Coptic Orthodox Convent of St. Mary St. George and St. Philopateer is a Canadian Convent under the auspices of HH Pope Tawadros II Pope and Patriarch of Alexandria and his partner in the apostolic service HG Bishop Mina the Bishop of Mississauga, Vancouver and all of West Canada
Our faith is based on the teachings of the Bible and the heritage of the patron fathers. We believe in the Nicaean creed and practice the sacraments of the Coptic Orthodox Church. In submission and love to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ we pray to lead others to HIM.
This magnificent place is home for nuns, consecrated sisters, novices and sister under training. We welcome our guests including families for congregational worship and females for spiritual retreats. Part of our spiritual journey is achieved by personal devotion as well as liturgical and ecclesiastical worship. We also labour to be productive by manual work in sewing, embroidery, painting icons etc.. In the convent you will enjoy and learn to live in-part the monastic life of worship, service and obedience and self-denial.